Well, it's true, we made some t-shirts...
It's the Fournier logo with the bird, "vintage quality and style".

They come in Pink, Navy, and Light Green. It's kind of exciting, just trying to find time to hem a pair of our denim pants so I have a cute outfit to wear. They'll be on the site soon.
In other news, I dropped off few more patterns for the marker/grader. For those of you not involved in the fashion world, the marker/grader takes your base size pattern, and makes it into all your sizes. For Fournier that is xs-xl. They also do your marker, which is a giant puzzle for layout. Grader's are quirky folks, everyone I have ever met, really unique. Maybe it's all that time spent with the Gerber system. My grader is always SO busy, and talks quite fast, and gets flustered by my vintage style patterns. I gave him the bow skirt, and I thought he was going to blow a (small) fuse. He does good, exacting work though. I love him for being kind to my wallet, and taking my stuff seriously.
I am flustered by the Los Angeles housing market. We have been looking seriously for over a year, minus a little time for getting married, and still haven't been able to secure a home. We've bid on six homes, and been outbid, or the counter was too high, every time. It has gotten to the point where I feel like I have looked all over the city and valley, and don't feel any more certain about what's right. The only thing I know, for sure, is that the older houses sing to me. My heart skips a beat, like when you see that cute new boy you are dating, or an amazing vintage dress. As long as the house hasn't had the old beat out if it, it feels like coming home. I daydream about craftsmans and old spanish style houses. They both seem so California/Texas to me, and it's so different from what I grew up with in old stodgy New England. I love New England. It's my home of home, fall colors, feather light snowflakes, lobsters and clam chowder. Los Angeles is my chosen home, where I lay my head. We'd like to buy a piece of the magic. I don't think that's too much to ask for. Come to us little old house. We're going to love you like crazy.
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